Today there are many sources of teen anxiety from the uncertainty created by the pandemic to more typical teen angst. Academics can be a big cause of stress for teens as they try to meet parental expectations, juggle school with other activities, and plan for college. And of course, for juniors and seniors, the whole college application process can be a huge source of teen stress and, specifically, test anxiety.
While adding ACT or AP test preparation may seem like just one more thing a student has to make time for, test preparation can actually be a positive experience for most students. Being prepared for the ACT or other high stakes tests is one thing that they CAN control during this tumultuous time.
Create Individual Expectations
Everyone wants a perfect score, but test preparation is not about pushing students toward an arbitrary goal. Tutors work individually with students to help them learn strategies and skills so they can do their best. Students create their own goals, which should be based on their academic record and capabilities. A student may also want to strive for a certain score to apply to a reach school or qualify for a scholarship. The tutor’s role is to give a student knowledge of strategies and skills to be able to maximize his or her abilities. Tutoring is positive, low key and different from a classroom environment. Students tend to enjoy the personal attention and seeing results.
Time Well Spent—And No Homework!
High school students spend 4-5 hours each day on social media, on average. Fitting in two to four hours of prep each week for a couple months to prepare for the ACT or an AP exam is manageable. There is never any homework from tutoring, so students come in, learn something, practice to reinforce it, and are off again.
The Best Remedy for Test Anxiety: Practice
Some students develop test anxiety and become fearful about taking tests because they feel the stakes are so high. The very best remedy for test anxiety is preparation. In tutoring, students break a test into smaller chunks and get comfortable with the format, instructions, types of questions and timing. Tutoring sessions build toward the actual test. By that time, the student has developed a plan for how to manage the test. Having a sense of control is a huge factor in minimizing anxiety.
For more information about ACT and AP exam preparation at Knowledge Studio ONE, click here. We offer flexible scheduling and proven results!