Remote Tutoring

Remote Tutoring

As scientists, engineers, and educators, we are trained to use new evidence, to modify or redesign our technology, and to never lose sight of our mission to educate.

One-on-one remote tutoring can have a serious drawback: it is difficult to see what the student or tutor is writing or drawing in the moment. We worked on many ways to remedy this problem and what we found is that a tablet and tablet pencil (such as an iPad Pro and Apple pencil) allows us to share work in real time in a very natural way. Surprisingly, this practice has other advantages that we didn’t have before – we can save and forward notes from the tutoring session to the student so they can reference them later in digital form. Our students loved this capability as it allowed them to keep their notes more organized and accessible.

Tablet and tablet pencils make it much easier for students to interact with digital materials and share their work in real time!

Digital notetaking and annotation while reading is a best practice for virtual learning, therefore we recommend that students who will be learning remotely invest in a tablet and tablet pencil. We can also meet once or twice in person to help students and parents learn digital and remote learning techniques on any platform (Android, iOS, iPads, or other digital notebooks). For more questions and to find out more about private remote tutoring and digital learning please email

student hiking in mountains with backpack and phone

Digital notetaking and annotation while reading is a best practice for remote learning.

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